Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

Unforgettable moment


First, I want to tell you about my unforgettable history. Maybe after all this time, all those memories, beautiful and sweet-bitter memories have their own stories. There is one bitter moment that I would tell. Three years ago, where I have graduated from senior high school, I started to study for preparation of university entrance examination. Still burn in the back of my mind, I studied hard days to days, nights to nights for sake of best result. I tried my best and ignored my exhausted feeling. 

The night before D-Day, my heartbeat was beating like it would explode. Moreover, I could not sleep at night. On examination day, I took a deep breath and pray to Allah SWT. Unfortunately, I do not know what happened, suddenly my brain became freeze. I do not remember what I have studied before. Oh God, I wanted to cry and thought I have made a mess. After that, I went home and still hoped the miracle for second day of examination.

One month passed. The announcement of examination was released. I did not have guts to see the results, so I asked my sister to open the website. She said that I was fail. Oh God, I do not know what to do. Sad, frustrated and desperate crept into my mind. Alhamdulillah, Allah loves me so much, I have family that keep support me in every situation. Because of their motivation, I became so strong and found out the right path to solve the problem.

Alright guys, I think that is all. I hope my story can inspire and entertain you a bit
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Thank you.

I'm in 2021


I will dare to dream become a successful power woman in 2021. I will be a successful woman where my parents would be pride. Not only success as a career woman, but also as a wife and a mother for sure. What will I be in 2021? It sounds cliché, we do not know if we are still alive, but no one can stop us to have a dream and make it happen, right? 
First, what would I see myself in five years ahead? I will be an economic master which has important job in prestigious company. Then, like others women’s dream; I would be a mother of adorable baby and be a wife of my lovely husband. My husband will be my loyal partner who will always love and support me in every situation. If I could, I will make a big house for my parents and my sibling, so we will not be separated again (because we have a distance between Jawa and Sumatera). Beside be a successful worker woman, I also want to be an entrepreneur woman who has income about 50 million Rupiahs for month. 
At glance, those future goals seem like impossible to do. But there is one good quote I know from Les Brown, “Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you will land in the stars”. I learned that we should put our goals higher, so if we do not reach them, we still get the better result.
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